The market leader for retreading tools is expanding its buffing tools with a new line that now features rounded buffing surfaces compared to B&J Rocket Unit wheels with straight buffing surfaces.
"The new ERGO line shows all its advantages when used with a hand grinder," says Sales Manager Fredy Walther. "Thanks to the rounded grinding surface, the hand grinder can be held much more ergonomically and is therefore easier on the wrist when working on the inner liner".
In addition, the ERGO-Line is more flexible in handling since the rounded surface on the inner liner can be worked on more efficiently with the rounded buffing surface. This makes the buffed surface even and buffing grooves are avoided.
The cooling of the tools has also been improved: a large number of cooling holes not only increases the performance of the buffing tools due to reduced buffing temperatures, but also significantly extends tool life.
The ERGO-Line buffing tools from B&J Rocket can be supplied with all grits on request. B&J Rocket recommends tools with a grit of 23 especially for innerliner work.
During the development of the new tools, the close cooperation with well-known tire manufacturers as well as the feedback from our customers has once again paid off. All customers can now benefit from the accumulated know-how and make their work more efficient and effective with the new ERGO Line. "The bottom line is that we offer a new and powerful tool series for our customers, and not only for tire retreading," concluded Fredy Walther. Details of the new ERGO-Line can be found at Products/Accessories.